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Why books are better than movies

books vs movies

Book is the movie that we see in our mind but then we go to movie and say the book is better.Leader are readers .wishing you happiness and gratitude its me Nadeem khan,today I am gonna tell that why
book is better than a movie.

I would like to say that why book are better than movie is because the books are far more detailed.movies have certain time ,they are always squeezed with certain period of time ,hence movies don't have all detailed that a story should be talking about books .

Books are the purest form of story ,books have so many detailed that movie can not present at certain
period of time .I would like to give a small exercise here.I would be describing some person.Please think of some one.when i say there is tall man,a well built man with dreamy eye ,sharp jawline,beautiful physics and a good dancer.there  is a image of person in each individual mind.

I talk about a person lets say talking about Hritik Roshan,every one would have got picture of Hritik Roshan in their mind that's how movie does to our mind .it synchronize our image and imagination.

The book let's  each and every individual have their own imagination .However movies have a defect,
they only lets you see what they have.the second reason I would like to say that the books make you more involve.when we read some thing ,we have our own experience and perspective.we read the books perspective and our own perspective .we experience what their experience and we put ourselve close to character .

the book is a film that takes place in the mind of the readers that's why we go to movies and say oh the book is better with these words of the famous writer Paulo Coelho , if we read the book first ,we have already created a picture in our mind. our picture is the right picture then we read a book .we usually visualise the characters in a certain way that they don't look like the way we want them to in movies, it disappoints us in many ways is reading better than watching something is thinking even when we read something then it is said that our brain becomes less passive as we read the object which is just in front of us. so reading is very real indeed in some movies, they switch up the characters because in the books ,they are different and totally the opposite this can be a powerful and emotional experience brain scale studies have shown that the same parts of the brain become active when we read the world as the object is just in front office.

so reading is very real it. there is no need to present the physical action in real time and other can speed up things by summarizing all the actions so a book can defeat the movie in summarizing these actions a two-hour movie feels longer while starting but they might take 15 hours or more to complete one book or several sittings not everyone has the access to movies or can afford going to movie theaters but books can be borrowed from a friend or from a library books are portable and can be read as online as well anytime books gives us more knowledge and also it increases our vocabulary scientists have found that reading books actually reduces our stress and gives us more knowledge and also the knowledge not last in our brain very long one important thing that the books do have and the movies doesn't is that they provide more background information than the movie does characters and the books are described with much more better and with more detail with the words of Daniel Buddha I am NOT from the movie belt I am from the book world I conclude my words ,thank you


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